
Flat Earth Perspective

Why would anyone need an expensive long range lens on a ball….on a ball the object would drop behind the curve and be unable to bring the object closer with a high powered lens due to curve and land obstruction… But we can bring far away objects closer and we do with high powered lenses,…

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Perspective and Vanishing Points

Our eyes see in a single point perspective, into a vanishing point of convergence where the ground meets the sky at the horizon. Whenever you have parallel lines on a flat plane, like railroad tracks that are equally parallel to each other, they will always converge into a single vanishing point and the lines all…

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The Red Boat – The Point of Convergence

Flat Earth – An explanation of convergence on the horizon using a freight hauler in Tampa Florida as an example. (July 3, 2015). Video shot by Lori Frary. You can only see a “horizon line” when viewing two elements coming together, like sky/water or sky/land. That is the line of convergence that all humans see…

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