Lori Frary

You Might Be a Flattard if…

THIS is why we have been trying for over a year to show the flat earth community how and why the Azimuthal Equidistant and Gleason’s maps are both STUPID and WHY they were implanted into the flat earth “movement” in the first place. It’s because they can be ripped to shreds by anyone who actually…

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The Flat Earth Map Reset

By Lori Frary with Lawrence Wright and Ronnie Harris… So we finally come to a crossroads. Either we have to rename what we call ourselves or we have to do a drastic reset. Simply calling yourself a flat earther has now become contentious from within the community. Why do we say that? Because most of…

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Flat Earth Activist

Lori Frary talks with Brian Staveley of TheRealNewsOnline.com about how to become a Flat Earth activist from the comfort of your armchair. Finally the answer to “What difference does it make what shape the earth is?”

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Convergence On The Flat Earth Horizon

Lori Frary’s edited version of the Red Boat video. Additional explanations added and shortened.

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